Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Alerts Maternity

Fetal sac that encircle baby fetal broken so that the water out (Normal fetal water is the fluid clean, clear and not smelly). Apa yang harus dilakukan: What should be done: Hubungi dokter anda dan segera ke rumah sakit, walaupun anda belum merasakan kontraksi, karena ini menjadi resiko infeksi. Contact your doctor immediately and to the hospital, even if you do not feel the contraction, because this is a risk of infection. Sementara diperjalanan gunakan pembalut wanita untuk dapat menyerap cairan ketuban anda. While the use of woman diperjalanan to fetal fluid can absorb you. Although the process of childbirth is different on each woman, but the signs of labor are the same. By knowing the signs will change your understanding when it's appropriate to go to the sick and what can be done if signs of this change have on you.
Signs of labor:
  • Mucus mixed with blood. Expenditure mucus mixed with blood. Occurs because the thick sumbatan at the mouth of the womb so that despite the discharge of mucus mixed with the reddish color of blood. Expenditure of blood and mucus may occur several days before labor, so wait until you get the regular contraction or fetal broken water, before you go to the sick. You should contact your doctor if there is severe bleeding
  • Fetal broken water. Fetal sac that encircle baby fetal broken so that the water out (Normal fetal water is the fluid clean, clear and not smelly). What should be done: Contact your doctor immediately and to the hospital, even if you do not feel the contraction, because this is a risk of infection. While the use of woman diperjalanan to fetal fluid can absorb you.
  • The regular contraction. Unlike Braxton hick contraction, contraction occur regularly, at first contraction increased only briefly and then grow old and strong, and symmetrical contraction occurs on both sides of the stomach from the start line near the top of the eggs to the entire uterus, and the pain does not disappear / less with rest or persuasion. What should be done: When the contraction appear regularly, begin to calculate the time. Write the length of time between one contraction to the next contraction, and length contraction lasts. Confinement only occurs when the contraction becomes increasingly close to 40 seconds between the other contraction. first labor lasted 12-14 minutes, so you better wait for a rest at home while collecting energy for labor. So if you are already contraction every 5 minutes once or very sick you can go to the hospital. Do not forget to bring the bag that you have prepared.

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